5 Ways to Update WordPress Manually and Automatically


WordPress, being the most popular content management system (CMS) on the web, is constantly evolving to meet the demands of its users. Regular updates are crucial to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility with the latest features and technologies. In this blog post, we will explore five different methods to update WordPress both manually and automatically, enabling you to keep your website up to date effortlessly.

Automatic Background Updates:

One of the simplest ways to ensure your WordPress site is always up to date is by enabling automatic background updates. Starting from WordPress version 3.7, the CMS introduced a feature that allows minor updates to install automatically. These updates typically include security patches, bug fixes, and other minor improvements.

To enable automatic background updates, access your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Dashboard” -> “Updates” section. Check the box next to “Enable automatic background updates for minor releases” and click the “Save Changes” button. From that point forward, WordPress will automatically update itself whenever a minor release is available, ensuring your site remains secure and optimized.

Manual Updates via the Dashboard:

For major WordPress updates or plugin and theme updates, the manual approach may be more suitable. To manually update WordPress, log in to your WordPress admin area and navigate to the “Dashboard” -> “Updates” section. If a new version of WordPress is available, you will see a notification with a button to initiate the update process.

Click on the “Update Now” button, and WordPress will download and install the latest version automatically. During this process, it is essential to have a backup of your website in case anything goes wrong. Once the update is complete, you will be redirected to the “Welcome to WordPress” page, confirming a successful update.

Manual Updates via FTP:

In some cases, you may encounter issues updating WordPress via the dashboard, especially if you have modified core files or face compatibility problems. In such situations, updating WordPress manually using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) can be a viable solution.

To perform a manual update via FTP, start by downloading the latest version of WordPress from the official website (wordpress.org). Extract the downloaded ZIP file on your computer. Connect to your website’s server using an FTP client like FileZilla and navigate to the root directory where WordPress is installed.

Next, delete the “wp-admin” and “wp-includes” folders from your server, but make sure not to delete the “wp-content” folder. Now, upload the new “wp-admin” and “wp-includes” folders from your extracted WordPress files to your server, overwriting the old ones. Once the upload is complete, navigate to your WordPress admin area to run the update process.

Using a WordPress Management Plugin:

If you find manual updates cumbersome, using a WordPress management plugin can simplify the process. These plugins offer various features, including automated updates for WordPress core, plugins, and themes, as well as backup and security measures.

Some popular WordPress management plugins include UpdraftPlus, ManageWP, and Jetpack. Install the desired plugin, configure the settings, and enable automatic updates. These plugins usually offer a comprehensive set of tools to ensure your website is updated regularly, secure, and performing at its best.

Managed WordPress Hosting:

If you prefer a hands-off approach to WordPress updates, opting for managed WordPress hosting is an excellent choice. Managed hosting providers, such as WP Engine and SiteGround, offer services that handle updates, backups, security, and performance optimizations on your behalf.

With managed hosting, your WordPress installation is monitored and updated automatically, ensuring that you are always using the latest version of WordPress. This allows you to focus on creating content and growing your website without worrying about the technical aspects of maintenance and management.


Keeping your WordPress site updated is essential for maintaining its security, performance, and compatibility with the latest features. In this blog post, we discussed five different methods to update WordPress manually and automatically.

Enabling automatic background updates for minor releases is a simple and convenient way to ensure your site stays up to date. Manual updates via the dashboard or FTP provide greater control, especially for major updates or troubleshooting compatibility issues. Utilizing a WordPress management plugin streamlines the update process and offers additional features like backups and security measures. Finally, opting for managed WordPress hosting takes the responsibility of updates off your hands entirely.

Remember, regardless of the method you choose, it’s crucial to have a backup of your website before performing any updates. Regularly updating your WordPress site is a proactive measure that helps protect your website, enhance its functionality, and provide a better experience for your visitors.

By staying on top of WordPress updates, you are investing in the long-term success and security of your website. So, choose the method that suits your needs and ensure that your WordPress site remains up to date and optimized for the best performance possible.